Describe what you intend to create for your final – list details such as materials/scale.. I am going to do what may be considered a performance piece with video interactiveness. I will be using video to take the class on a journey through transformation. Describe how you engage with SHIFT in this project The shift […]
Bishop sense and nonsense
The Monument I found that the only way I can write about poetry is to just write. I begin to read the description of these boxes and immediately I am bored (or board..haha). The description goes on until there is some dialogue in which one character says “Why did you bring me here to see […]
“The Uncanny” Sigmund Freud
It is interesting to me that someone would devote so much time and research on a single word and his perseverance to accurately define it. At least he chose an interesting word. It is also interesting the manner he approaches this topic. He begins by researching many different languages definition of the opposite of the […]
Bansky: The unveiling of the uncanny
“Banksy is one person, but it is also a collective. Sort of like the way the FBI would map out a mob family network, Banksy is everywhere.” -Jast We discussed Subject v. Object Nov 9 in class, and the way that helps me distinguish the two like like comparing an apple to the word […]
Studio/Seminar Research Propoganda: BANKSY
Veronica Emily Weisensheister Interview and Lie
Both interviews are fake, but one is the fake truth. VERONICAHLEE UNO VERONICAHLEE DOS Group Workshop Document: get feedback on flow rhythm, timing general engagement length DAS: Das LIE: Das Truth: H: The editing for the truth video is very engaging and I found it hilarious about the part where Veronica’s face […]
Drawing and Imaging: sketches, color, and gradients
Time:Metro-Part 2-Video
After sharing the sound clip in part 1, the objective now is to create a video using compositions and film theory to create a feeling. In this film short, I chose to use dark lighting and tactical cuts to break and re-enter the audience. I feel like I can do better with a proper lens […]
Sense and Nonsense: Nietzsche Truth and Lie
Sense – “Is language the adequate expression of all realities?” I have often thought about this in my latter years of adulthood. I have held people less accountable for what they think they are expressing through language. I have also realized my own inability to really translate my energy through sounds and words. It’s frustrating. […]
Time:Metro- Project 3 Part 1: SOUND
We are discovering the 3 modes of listening by Michel Chion and working on a project that illustrates to the class which modes we are using when creating a conceptual audio file. The three modes are Causal, Semantic, and Reduced. My sound file consists of mostly causal sound because the sounds you hear, you may […]