Veronica Emily Weisensheister Interview and Lie

Both interviews are fake, but one is the fake truth. VERONICAHLEE UNO VERONICAHLEE DOS Group Workshop Document:  get feedback on flow rhythm, timing general engagement length DAS: Das LIE: Das Truth:   H: The editing for the truth video is very engaging and I found it hilarious about the part where Veronica’s face […]

Sense and Nonsense: Molloy

I thought this was already published, but seems like my imagination triumphed over reality.  I know we already went over this in class, so it doesn’t  feel  genuine.   Here is my post regarding Molloy. Sense:  When I read Molloy, I tried to understand it from a perspective of what an aged mind must go through. I didn’t […]

Time:Metro – Still Images from Project 3

      s This is a process post. In this exercise we printed out 4 or 5 still images from a movie project we are working on, and with tracing paper, we marked out the bold lines and objects that really stood out in the photograph.  We analyzed the tracing paper without the image […]

Time:Metro-Part 2-Video

After sharing the sound clip in part 1, the objective now is to create a video using compositions and film theory to create a feeling.  In this film short, I chose to use dark lighting and tactical cuts to break and re-enter the audience. I feel like I can do better with a proper lens […]

Sense and Nonsense: Nietzsche Truth and Lie

Sense – “Is language the adequate expression of all realities?” I have often thought about this in my latter years of adulthood.  I have held people less accountable for what they think they are expressing through language.  I have also realized my own inability to really translate my energy through sounds and words. It’s frustrating. […]

Our Parsons Game Design!

  Overview:      First, we started talking about our individual experiences and took notes. Everyone had a...

Clement Siatous @ Simon Preston Gallery

Sagren-the creole term used to describe the profound sorrow and longing for a denied homeland. Sagren in my terms-I can’t imagine what the true feeling must feel like.  I suppose if I substituted homeland for something that is more personal to me such as my daughter, then I could start to imagine the profound sorrows […]

Trevor Paglen Exhibition

I didn’t really appreciate the exhibition until I stopped for a moment to read the summary and purpose.Â...

Time:Metro- Project 3 Part 1: SOUND

We are discovering the 3 modes of listening by Michel Chion and working on a project that illustrates to the class which modes we are using when creating a conceptual audio file.  The three modes are Causal, Semantic, and Reduced. My sound file consists of mostly causal sound because the sounds you hear, you may […]