This project is inspired by fabric pollution. In order to convey the idea of The Dying Garment, a visualized process can be experienced by users in daily life. From a full piece garment to the skeleton base, you would take off one of the stripes every time you wear it. As there are 111 stripes in total, you would have at least 111 chances to wear it. You do not need to worry about the quality, it is 100% hight quality cotton, with second-hand t-shirt stripes. You could interact with the change of the garment every time when you wear it, and match it with various outfits is available as well. The garment at the same time provides a note taking function, take note on the stripes you take off an the day. For privacy, the stripes are all jersey fabric, which means it would roll naturally to hide your writing. The garment then at the end would be a story teller which keeps all your past notes and experiences.
material information
t-pack template
life cycle supply chain
Making Process (gif)
skeleton base
weaving with second-hand T-shirt
final look (gif)
Dressing Instruction
taking off stripes every time you wear (gif)
note taking (gif)
for exchange, you will get a 7 -day journal to experience how does a piece of garment contributes itself to the end of its life. This journal can be easily attached on any of your clothing with safety pin, it also so can be kept in your backpack with its dedicated size. Let’s book a fabric journal and see how it will be end up with!