Testing different intensities of indigo
( chose the right line 2nd and 3rd color at the end)
What are appropriate representation strategies in relation to your concept? What is the best media in relation to your concept? How do works enter the public realm?
I will present with PPT slides to talk about the techniques I used and how did I get inspired. As I did some natural dyes, a lot of knitting and felting, I want to show all my swatches from the beginning of the semester to the end, the swatches also tell my thinking process from non-useful to useful. A video might help to illustrate the feeling of wearing the garment, and how does it fit to actual body. I believe that the active movements, the texture and the color would be displayed more directly from a video.
Today’s fashion is leading to the “more and fast” direction; all the apps and online stores are so convenience that helps customers buy more stuff in short amount of time, there is few thinking on our environment, the climate change, the animals’ circumstance. All this is happening is because once the fast fashion system become the mainstream designers did not concern about the result but to push the market into a worse direction, so now we need to take the responsibility and drag the trend to a better decided path to slow fashion, to be functional and eco-friendly. This is also my essential thought of making the garment, not to follow the trend but to make something last longer and to be needed.