Our Daily Bread

This image from the film made me wonder so many things: Who is this woman? What does she think about all day? How did she get this job? How does she feel about her job? This particular job-clipping off pigs’ feet must cause some sort of psychological damage. How far must she dissociate everyday just to do her job? We treat animals so poorly on a daily basis. Why do we do this? What does it mean for us to not only create but ingest this sort of violence? This film created a resurgence in my passion to protect animals-after the viewing I was so angry at food industries that I decided to grow a garden in my dorm room. We’ll see how it works! It still baffles me that we allow this sort of violence toward animals. Why do we under value their lives so deeply? Is because they can’t speak or work for us? Is it because we assume their less intelligent? If so, why does intelligence equal the right to life?

Beginnings of my dorm garden:

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