Caroline Marine Alizée Garreau

The New School ~ Parsons Paris Portfolio



Body as Space, Project I

Practice-based research Methods and Design process, Project III

Climate Change, Project IV

Integrated Project Print

Energy, Project III

Workback Timeline

Final Project

Fundamental Design Elements, Project II

Case Study

Definition of Research Topic

Pinhole Camera, Project II

Materials, Project II

Material Investigation

Prototype Series

Water, Project I

Exhibition Presentation, Project I

Drawing approaches from the Fashion Figure, Project I

Research Topics

Crossed Mind Maps

Curiosity Journal Entries, Project I

Project Deconstruction

Curiosity Journal, Project I

Final Critique

Illustrations, Project III

Enhanced special element, Project III

Semester Look-Back

Remake, Project IV

Multiple perspectives, Project III

Enhanced body part, Project II

Conceptual approaches, Project II

Haptic space and materiality, Project I

Environmental portrait, Project II

Observation drawings, Project I

Derive, Project I

© 2024 Caroline Marine Alizée Garreau

Theme by Anders Norén

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