Integrative studio2: 3/12


The book that you found that you think will be relevant for your research paper:

China’s emerging middle class beyond economic transformation

 List 10 books that are found in the library around your book:

The global middle classes

A middle class without democracy

The rising middle classes in China

The middle class in neoliberal China

China’s housing middle class

Middle class China

Consumption intensified 

Perspectives on social problems

Middle class and democracy…

The making of the middle class

My topic of research paper is the influence of a generation’s disparities between classes on their offsprings’ education. And I want to specific it into China area. I also want to focus on the differences between middle class and upper class family environments. I found a book in The Newschool Library named Higher Education, Meritocracy and Inequality in China, but this book only have online source. So I found another book from NYU library named China’s emerging middle class beyond economic transformation. In this way, I can learn two class situations in China as my intuition. Although the book I chose is not directly relates to education, with the combination with Higher Education, Meritocracy and Inequality in China, I can view many aspects of two different classes. The books around the chosen book are mostly describing the classes in many worldwide regions. I can find many aspects of classes like lifestyle, taste, concepts of life, and social roles, which are all the elements in a family environment that could influence children’s education. I think these books are pretty reliable and authoritative as sources, since they are included in university’s libraries.

2. Detail how you’re planning on finding sources for your research paper.

I think I would find most of sources online besides the books I found in libraries. Because online sources are very diverse, and I can not only find many academic articles relates to my topic, but also find many datas to research on. I’m also planning to do some interviews with my friends, because I’m a Chinese and my friends are mostly Chinese. From this kind of interview, I can learn some actual examples and cases.

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