Archive | September 2015

Time Metropolis- Project 1; Outline- Coffee Shop (Joe’s)

Jacqueline Groll

Time Metropolis



Project 1:

-Place: Joe’s Coffee Shop

Explanation: I believe that a coffee shop becomes a home for people during the period of time that they spend there. From my own personal experience, I have noticed that my behavior towards being in the environment of a coffee shop is the same as being in my own home, apposed to being in any other public space.

Many people have different expectations when entering a coffee shop. Such as, seeking coffee, reading their daily newspaper, attending a meeting or just for the sake of catching up with an old friend. Each person that enters a coffee shop, has a story behind them, and being that we are all strangers in a small space we never truly know what goes on in the lives of those who we do not know. This coffee shop shelters many emotions and stories, and being that I love studying the mind of people I believe that Joe’s Coffee Shop was most suitable for this assignment

*The images/storyline will not necessarily portray any story inproticular, but a typical situation of what happens when I enter a coffee shop and the view of people minding their own business.


-Why: It is a public environment where people go seeking different things.

~Such as: Coffee, conversation, business, bathroom, food, etc.

-The environment shelters many different emotions that people may maintain in this public space.

~Such as: Anger, happiness, sorrow, loneliness, peace, hunger, and comfort


-Song: Typical Situation By; Dave Matthews



  1. Me entering the shop — walking in through the door way (over the shoulder angle)
  2. View of the coffee shop with people in it (wide angle, POV Shot)
  3. Profile of me staring at the food at the coffee bar expressing hunger. (Profile/Close up shot)
  4. Image of the line to order your coffee/food. (Wide angle)
  5. My expression from looking at the line (extreme close up)
  6. Looking down at my feet as I impatiently wait in line [personal expression-lack of patience]- (Close up/ Bird’s eye view)
  7. Coffee barista or ‘o’ asking me my order (POV)
  8. Me saying my order (profile shot)
  9. Shot of me handing the cashier money (close up)
  10. Image of the people waiting for their coffee (Wide angle shot)
  11. People fixing their coffee up at the bar ( over the shoulder)
  12. Barista ‘o’ calling my name
  13. image of me reaching for coffee (close up)
  14. image of me looking around
  15. walking to a seat with a friend waiting (wide angle)
  16. gutes smiling sitting (half body shot)
  17. sitting with gutes (wide angle)
  18. image of the coffee shop (wide angle)
  19. man reading the paper ‘gutes maybe representing it’ (close up)
  20. someone working on their computer ‘gutes maybe’ (close up)
  21. someone on their phone ‘friend or model’ (close up)
  22. shot of coffee almost done
  23. me getting up with friend
  24. leaving
  25. last look at the shop


Once I receive the coffee there will be images of people around the shop, and their situations.

These images w


-Cool colors—warm

-Depending on the emotion that is being expressed


*Type of art:


-Commentary from student evaluation:

I am slightly confused about which perspective you are going for. Is it the perspective of the people? How everyones expression/emotions make the place come to life? Or is it your perspective on how you observe all these things?  Like when you want to take a photo of your feet as you wait impatiently…I got a bit thrown off by the objective. “Once I get the coffee there will be images of people around the shop, and their situations.” If you are leaning more towards your perspective, I think it would be cool to see your expressions reacting to other people expressions in the same photo. I like both ideas, but I think it has to sway either way.

*i made these corrections, and took them all into consideration.


  1. First step made this document.
  2. Took image shots
  3. Picked images to use
  4. Made an arrangement for the storyline
  5. Edited images
  6. Made a new storyline
  7. Put the images together on premier
  8. Voice over and edited
  9. completed