Tag Archive | project

Book Project- Perception Image- Time Metropolis


Book Project: Perception Image

For my book project presentation I was assigned to discuss perception image. Perception Image is a “set of elements which act on a centre, and which wary in relation to it.” It is also particularly viewed as a wide angle shot. I chose to touch upon the two main ideas of perception image, which are subjective and objective perception. Subjective perception is, is the manner in which an individual views the physical world based on the workings of his own brain and sensory systems. Each individual has a brain, sensory systems, and cognitive structures that differ from those possessed by everyone else. As for objective perception, it means perceiving reality, and all that confronts our awareness, as it is. It is a matter of seeing things as they are, rather than seeing them from a certain point of view or position.

How I began my project, which was an instalation piece, was by walking through a park with a friend filming him as if I was looking into his life, but no one was really there and what we were really experiencing was his emotions and in his perspective. I chose to film this project first rather than take pictures right off the bat, because I wanted to use the way my mind sees and works with assignment. Which is in a moving image format. When directing the actor, I told him to act out confused and dull emotions. Some of which you would feel in a park. I occasionally focused the fram on a main subject, such as a dog or statue, just to allow the viewer to get more of a feel as to where we are and what the mood is. Following that procedure, I went through each scene and screen shot each major scene as an image. That alloud the viewer to see each scene as an image, rather than film. This also aloud the viewers to see it in a story board POV. Looking back on the project, I orginally chose for the project to be filmed at night, but when shooting at night problems occur, which is why I now believe it should be filmed during the day rather than night. When presenting the project, my originaly plan was to hang the images above the viewers head, inorder to have them experience the feeling of perception image. But that did not work out. So I chose to hang the imageson the wall as a story board view, although this also gave the viewers a perception image affect, because this alloud them to see the project in a wide angle shot and as a whole setting. In the end the project turned out ok, although I wish I did plan this a bit better.



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PsychoGeographic Mapping: Sight- Madison Square Park

Jacqueline Groll

Time Metropolis

Due: 10/1/15

Write Up

PsychoGeographic Mapping: SensoScapes


                                                                          Madison Square Park: Sight

There is no telling where you will end up when walking through a park. Especially when it comes to walking through Madison Square Park. You have the option to lounge out on a chair or bench or even a patch of grass, to enjoy a burger with a side of fries and shake from ‘Shake Shack’, bring your kids or dogs to a park for some you time, and lastly enjoy the ambiance while walking through one of New York Cities most historic parks. Although there is so much going on around the park, I personally enjoy glancing around. I tend to study people’s actions, as well as my environments, and I never seem to get enough. So when I was given this assignment, I was immediately driven to the sense of sight.

Rather than honing in on what art installation was being exhibited, or the differences between the people around me, I found it most suitable to describe the parks geographic through flowers. While walking around the perimeter of the park, I was immediately fascinated by the different flowers that were planted. In my home town, Miami, Florida, we are exposed to solely tropical flowers such as hibiscus’s. So as a newly named “new yorker”, I am still accumulating to my surroundings. The contrast between having forest-like flowers as well as tropical in a city to compacted, compelled my curiosity. You are faced with three different worlds in this 4 block radius of a park. The country side, tropical islands, and city life all in one remote area. This park truly gives the people a way to escape the little flares in their lives.MSP Smaller2