Abstract faces represent me through time; youth, puberty and present. Same face but different positions, different state of mind. Colors I choose represent emotions I felt in a saturated, more light form. Pink represents an innocent girl I used to be, a Barbie dolls and my own name, Barb(ara)y. Blue represents a stage of growing up, and becoming a young girl with her own opinions. Shades of purple represent new emotions, jealousy and wanting to be someone.
Still being confused with who or what I want to be, my drawing represents chaos. Chaos of personas, chaos of mind chaos of opinions, chaos of values, chaos of morality and chaos of freedom through time and space.
Lines in the background represent movement, a 3D effect, and brush strokes follow the outline of faces. Using acrylic I want to accomplish a specific structure and thickness.
An index, that represents firstness signifies my nose and his flows, his shape and form. It shows time in present, it is a close up of me. It has no perception on it’s own, a still picture that we are not aware of. When you start noticing it, it becomes secondness and it is already a past. An icon that you understand. A past that is woven with present. It is still there, just not in you conscious. After that it becomes a context. A context of matter. Something you see all the time, but not bothered by it anymore. It is immediately a matter of perception, you like it or you don’t. Weather it is something subjective or objective (if that even exists) it is a matter of opinion. My nose as a symbol, tiredness, stands alone. It is there, but I do not think about it. When it become a part of my context it stopped being important, it stopped being noticeable.