Int. Studio & Seminar 2: Bridge Project 2 – Remaking Readymades



When I was looking at the fence in Union Square as a readymade, I saw the pattern of the fence first, the shadows it creates when the sun hits it, and then I thought about the use of the fence. It’s a barrier, separating nature from pavement, people, etc. Good. I remember seeing signs along the fence saying “Lawn closed” which reminded me of a time where I was in PA trying to go see a waterfall and they close it for winter. My friend and I were so outraged that they closed nature for winter. So I wanted to show this division of nature and not. It became into a political cartoon.

The people that are advocating for plants aren’t plants, they’re people dressed as plants.

Extremist ideologies are not good.

There’s a growing divide–much like now in the US.

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