Zero Waste Hoodie ( CTS2)

IMG_8650 IMG_8648 IMG_8651IMG_8425IMG_8424IMG_8647 IMG_8646 IMG_8607  IMG_8584IMG_8591 IMG_8588   IMG_8572 Design statement:

This project is about zero waste fashion. Zero waste fashion has been very popular these years, and I am also very interested about it, and excited about this project. For this project, we asked to do a zero waste hoodie. For the fabric, I choose a bonded scuba, which one side is knit. I think this fabric has been used very well in my hoodie, due to the fabric can be used in both sides. After sketching my design, I felt it was hard to follow my original design but also consider zero waste. I was struggled with the hoodie pattern when I start to create my garment. However, it comes out successfully. Additionally, I used a zipper to connect two asymmertical pattern in the front, and also use the serger to lock edges and to connecting patterns.It is a brand new experience and it will let me keep thinking about how to design something that is benefit for the environment.

Research: Zero waste


Mark Liu’s Zero-Waste Design Use Every Last Scrap

Zero waste is a philosophy that encourages the redesign of resource life cycle so that all products are reused. Zero waste events started since commencement 2009.

Zero waste Fashion refers to items of clothing that generate little or no textile waste in their production. It can be consider being a apart of the broader sustainable fashion movement.

My name is Haini Lin. I'm from Chongqing China. I have been living in New York for three years. I love New York and I wish I could have an interesting collage life in here. I also wish this city could bring me inspirations in different ways.

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