Post 3 – Draft


These posters are collages I made, initially starting with a picture I had taken with my iPhone in 2017, on my way home from school. From the previous feedback I was given in class, I decided to narrate my focus on this specific picture. Therefore i re-created meaningful collages that narrate a personal story, which goes with my seminar topic: Cathersizing and processing war through art.

Nonetheless, my peers advised me to:

1- Change the color of the bicycle in the 4th poster (attached below) in order for it to reflect better on the destroyed building.

2- Have an explanation on the side, that narrates the story of my childhood and my view on war as a seven year old. Thus, having an artistic and poetic booklet that comes on the side.

3- I was also advised to have them printed on a big scale, in order to show the powerful messages and the details in those images.

Next Steps 

Thus, for my final project I printed 4 of these images on A2 cardboards, which will be placed next to each other, in an order that gives meaning to these messages.

From the original bicycles, roses, and doves to the original image.

However, in our last studio class before the Final Project, I will also seek for feedback since I do not know if I should have sound in the background that give meaning to these pictures, or a short booklet like I was advised to do.

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