My Visual Vocabulary in Text

Using text to explain my visual vocabulary is interesting because words are actually the hardest things for me to visually see I understand words as…


I have never had a proper color education so I feel this limits me in my understanding and making strategic desition when it comes…


I chose human/not human, eyes or insinuation of eyes, and colors as my categories. The technical details that led me…

Defining a Subject 

The tool of contrast and emphasis help tell the story of the subject because they provide the ability to define…

Self Portrait

  I used patterns as a strong component to convey texture. I also found it important to use shapes that can layer to…


  Initially, when choosing what I was going to do rubbings of I wanted to pick surfaces that would give me a…

6 Multiplied

  I think the inclusion of pattern, repetition, and rhythm help to create impact. For this project, I selected a dramatic color pallet to unify all…

A Figure Outside

  I don't always believe that you have to convey objects true to the most realist form. In our last…

Line/Contour Story

I use lines to communicate information, mostly though vectors. I find them to be the most recognisable symbols to convey…
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