
JR is a French photographer whose identity is unconfirmed. He believes that street is where his artistic ideas come from. His artworks relate to the most popular social issues in order to raise awareness of the people.


JR’s commemorative murals draw inspiration directly from historic photographs from Ellis Island’s hospital archives. From broken windowpanes to peeling, whitewashed walls, young, bonneted children stare longingly while eager nurses crowd together with nervous expectancy. Through these ghostly group portraits, the haunting hospital’s framework is becomes a visual, visceral lesson in national history.


The Project Unframed is about many stories that happened in the Hospital.


Unframed, An immigrant family views the Statue of Liberty from the Ellis Island Immigration Station dock revu par JR, courtesy of National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument, U.S.A, 2014


Unframed, Doctors and nurses performing surgery in an operating room in the Ellis Island Main Hospital revu par JR, courtesy of National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument & National Archives, U.S.A., 2014

Site specific

The site is need to be hospital because the photographs from Ellis Island’s hospital archives. After long traveling, people would get sick, so they have to go to hospital.


The artworks of JR emphasises the importance of the history of immigrants to Ellis Island. Also, by choosing hospital as the location, JR points out the difficulties for immigrants to come to United States. They have to be healthy before they are permitted into the country. Therefore, the artworks by JR is closely related to the history of the Ellis Island.

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