B4 St.Marks Final


Inspiration from leather jacket.article-2202650-0024FC8200000258-642_468x466




During the 1970s, American was suffering a huge financial crisis and unemployment in the 70’s. the young people were unhappy about the social injustices so they created Punk because of a deep sense of dissatisfaction. From my perceptive, they were just trying to escape from reality because they don’t have job, they are afraid of losing job and no money, so they found a way out, They started tattooing, wearing weird clothing make themselves like a monster to pretend stranger than others, but the truth is Only the weak need pretend to be stranger.

On the other hand, Japanese are totally different, they appear dignified and noble,  they work very hard and follow the rules. So I make Kimono like a armor that protect the leather jacket which the favorite clothing of punker.

However, deep down J and P have same habit which is pornography. Japan the biggest porn movie producer.  That why I made dress like this.

Red is a positive  and also negative color. It produce Warm , passion, energy, but also can represent evil, burn. So I think this is the best color to demonstrate J and P.


piece in St. Marks

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I really want to create something mix Punk and Japan is when I saw this two stores.



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