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Video Workshop: Haitong’s Interview – Truth and Lie


 After my workshop with Das, Sushi, and Eni, these were their overall critiques of both videos.

S: The videos are really good, but the only thing being that since Haitong was not speaking in English, our focus is divided between several things at the same time because as much as we want to see the video which is beautifully presented, we also have to keep reading the subtitles and so it’s a little distracting.

E: I like the fact that Haitong is speaking in Chinese, and also I enjoy reading the subtitles it feels like I m watching an animated short movie. You could have put some more pictures to make it more lively, but if that is not your intention, so far, I was entertained and it made me laugh. About the length: It was long enough to keep me interested. All in all, you could just make the pictures go a bit faster and add some more.

D: Hilarious! I wouldn’t change a thing.

After reading their critiques, I’ll add more photos during long talking sequences and extend the length of subtitles so that it doesn’t take so much focus off of the images. Also, in the process of rereviewing my interviews, I realized I made a typo in the lie interview, so I’ll be fixing that too.

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