Project 3 – Catalog/ Magazine : Tea

For the last and final project of this semester, I paired up with Yiting. This project was about combining our main themes and forming it into a magazine/ catalog. We were asked to use indesign which I found really interesting. After Yiting and I paired up, we both decided to do a little mind-map of what our magazine should include or what should be its main theme. We discussed a lot and chose to make tea as the final theme for this magazine. We chose to combine my theme (culture (language)) with her theme (tea). We decided to make a magazine of tea from different countries such as China, India, Japan and Thailand. We researched about the famous teas the country is known for and chose to add information about it to the magazine.

TIME _ Project 3-yr0wfw

We chose to play around with different layouts. At one point, we both had differences due to the layout of each page but we managed to overcome it with the help of combining the layouts within the magazine. So, we chose to add both layouts. We wanted to keep it simple yet experiment with indesign.

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