Posts by: janoa401

Salons Invisibles

In this project we were meant to explore a series of questions that we were given and answer them in…

Fabrics of Life

Group- Veena Bobba, Eva Gillen, Alexandra Janowski In this project we were given a chance to collaborate with other people…
Final Series

Final Series

Series of Landscapes Create five fictional landscapes using Photoshop. My intensions for this project was centered around making these landscapes…

Part 2- Remake

In part 2 of the video walk we added my voice instead of the robotic computerised one. At the same…

Part 1- Remake

Our first video walk ended at Place Vendome, journeying through rue St Honore and the Saint-Roche Church. The sentences in…

First Reflection-Remake

Our group chose Janet Cardiff for her unique and insightful work that captivates her viewers in a reflective and innovative…
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