Seminar: Bridge 6 Research

Research Outline

  1. Introduction
    1. Introduce word : Fabulous
    2. Thesis statement: Fabulous is a additive to describe
  2. Section 1
    1. Fabulous can be used to as an additive to describe something huge in size.
    2. Definition 1: of an incredible, astonishing, or exaggerated nature
    3. It came from French, Latin and English
  1. Section 2
    1. Fabulous can also be used to describe something wonderful.
    2. Definition 2: wonderful, marvelous
    3. Movie: Absolutely Fabulous
    4. fabulous furs
  1. Section 3
    1. lastly fabulous can be used to describe something mythical.
    2. Definition: having no basis in reality; mythical.
  1. Conclusion




Research Worksheet

Section 1: Word Specific

The word I’m choosing is:  Fabulous

What are all of the definitions of this word? Copy/paste below.

1. resembling or suggesting a fable :  of an incredible, astonishing, or exaggerated nature <fabulous wealth>

2. wonderful, marvelous <had a fabulous time>

3. having no basis in reality; mythical.

How many different parts of speech does the word maintain?

List below (verb, noun, etc)

1. adjective

2. fabulously adverb

3. fabulousness noun

What definition above most interests you at the moment? Copy/paste below, and explain why it interests you in 1-2 sentences.

The third definition, having no basis in reality; mythical. Interests me the most. Because it gave me the most optionally to explore and create for my projects, I love the word Mythical, it is very dramatic and gorgeous.

Section 2: Etymology

From what country/countries did the word originate? List below.

1. Latin

2. French

3. English

From what language/languages did the word derive? List below.

1.  Latin

2. French

Section 3: Associations

Based on the definition you chose in section 1, list the first five words that come to your mind when you think of your word. (Do not write the word itself that you selected).

1. Dream

2. Sparkles

3. Lights

4. Glam

5. Attitude

What emotions would you associate with the word you selected? List two.

1. Amazed

2. Confident

What colors would you associate with the word you selected? List two.

1. Pink

2. Purple

What shapes or structures would you associate with the word you selected? List two.

1. Circle

2. Diamond

Seminar 1: MoMA Labels


Cork, nickel-plated tubular steel, and painted wood.


Upholstered latex foam on fiberglass reinforced plastic shell and chrome-plated steel rod base.


Rosewood and chrome-plated metal


Swen stuffed fabric, paint, and chair fringe.


Ink on gessoed wood, copper wire, and ink on glass, in artist painted wood frame.

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