Multiple Persepctives – Washington Play House

In this project I was teamed with Anna, Emma and Jiwon.

At Washington Square Park, for interview, Anna and Jiwon did most of the talking. Emma was responsible for recording, and I was responsible for taking notes. We divided the work evenly so the process was quite efficient. After the interview, I gathered notes together and typed them out. We created a Google drive folder and shared each others’ thoughts in it.

Interview Notes

The next step is to come up with the idea for presenting those profiles. Emma talked about accordion book and calendar, and I came up with making a card game. I have played plenty of board games and card games, and I thought it would be interesting to make the presentation interactive, which our classmates can play with. Our instructor Jessica was also supportive of this idea, so we decided to do the game. Jessica introduced us IMPROV game, which is easier to make and has a lot of fun.

Card game inspirations:

It combines symbol, colors, and we can also put descriptions and photos on the card. It contains more info than poker cards, and it has a storyline.


Onto design process, 1) I am responsible for Situation Card design. I used Adobe Illustrator as my design tool. During the process, we communicate with each other constantly in order to make the colors consistent in both Situation cards and Character cards. I also tested different fonts and space between letters.


2) Anna is responsible for the front side of Character Card – the photo.

3) Jiwon is responsible for the back side of Character Card – the description. We also checked grammar together.

4) Emma is responsible for the top and the bottom of the packaging design.

The work is divided so we are efficient, by Friday we finished the design and on weekend we finished making the card.

We made 11 Character cards, 8 Situation cards and 1 game rule card. Emma and I were responsible for cutting and attaching them onto bristol board. Jiwon wrote the game rule and we together checked grammar and Anna made the box. I felt our collaboration was successful and I learned that working as a team, communication is really important and we shouldn’t be afraid to share opinions. We also need to negotiate and compromise at some level to make sure everyone is satisfied.





This game is an improv game that is perfect for theatre students as well as psychology class. It can make players be perceptive about character’s personality and interests and place themselves into others’ position. The scenario could go really crazy depending on players’ imagination.

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