Time Map

3 time scales: middle – lifetime; upper right: a year; upper left: a week.


the map on the left is China, my home country; the one on the right is USA, the country I’m living in right now. Color blocks in each country are the cities I lived in, you can tell by the legend at the bottom.

lifetime closer look

Those colors represent temperature – icy blue means cold, orange is warm, and pink means hot. The vertical line in the center is International Date Line. Geographically, it’s on Pacific Ocean between China and USA. On my timeline, it also indicates time when I moved to USA (between 2013 and 2014). Left to International Date Line, are the activities and events done in China. Right to Date Line, are those done in USA. The horizontal line in the middle work as X-axis in math. Things above it is positive number, meaning that the event had positive impact on me. Things under it had negative impact on me.

icon closer look

The more the icons, the more impact. Color of the icons are related to color blocks on the map. For example, orange icons on the left represents things I did in Beijing (you can tell from the legend).

A Year

a yearUpper right corner, the graph indicates Jan 2015 to Jan 2016, where my idea of a startup developed and eventually came true. Color blocks are the same shapes seen in USA map, because I live in USA during this time period. The colors also indicate activities. For example, the solid blue shape indicates theatre and music. Orange shape indicates information design and fashion design and openingĀ a store.

a year explanation

The size of shapes stands for how skillful I am in according activities. Curvy lines stand for time I devoted in those activities.

A Week

a week

This graph is a week in my high school. Circles are subjects or classes I’m taking at school, colorful lines are days. The more intersected by lines, the bigger the circles. For example, the big circle in the center is intersected by 5 lines, that means I had this class 5 days in a week. The circle frame with numbers (6, 12, 18, 24) is like a clock. The crescent touches the circle from around 10pm to 4am, and it visually shows how long I sleep every day.

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