Week 13: Circle Line Trip

1) Complete your Circle Line Observation. Post responses to the questions, images  and your hand-drawn, labeled map etc. to your LP

– Compared to what you saw during your Zone Walk, what can you see and sense differently from the boat?

Seeing the landscape from the water is definitely giving me a more detached view, observing the city as a whole, rather than being in the “concrete jungle” itself.

– Does New York seem prepared for sea-level rise?

Most of the buildings along the water line are high rise buildings, this is what is visible from the water; but there are more preparations made for sea-level rise that are not easily visible.

– What areas appear to be vulnerable to coastal flooding? Are any effects of Hurricane Sandy visible?

The new jersey part compared to manhattan, the buildings along their water line are lower buildings. I do not see any visible effects of Hurricane Sandy, though I tried really hard to see if there are anything visible..

– Do you see any evidence of the Big U being constructed?

The line along Battery Park (the second photo) seems like what’s shown in the Big U video. There are tents, trees, like a social place. It may be the Big U being constructed.

– Are you able to determine which areas of the coast are built on landfill?

No. I had to look it up online. For example, FDR is built on rubble from World War II.

– Do you see any sea walls, reinforcements or marsh areas?

I see some reinforcements on older red brick building, there are square-shaped reinforcements add to the roof as a preparation for any future flooding.

– What kind of systems do you see interacting (people, water, boats, etc.)?

When I see construction areas I automatically think the people are constructing for preparation for environmental change. When I see trees along coastline, I feel it’s a preparation against flood. When I see the piers along the coastline, labeled with different colors, I think that there are different purpose with each pier and they function differently in any environmental change but also function as a whole. These things together make me feel it’s a system against environmental change.

– How do you think the New York City coastline will change over the next 50 years?

Maybe more constructions on the water, like a floating space on the water, so people are not just staying on the Manhattan island.

– Reflect on the presentations. What did you learn? Did anything in particular surprise you? Did you enjoy the trip and the perspective offered from the water?

I definitely enjoyed the trip.  The detached view looking at the city as a whole is a great experience.

2) Read the following article. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Do you feel that the Whitney’s flood mitigation system and building design is as artful/creative as the works of art it protects in the galleries?  Does this article change your idea of what useful/meaningful art and design might become in the age of climate change and the Anthropocene?

Yes, in order to protect the works of art in the galleries, Whitney’s solution has to be creative – the final presentation of the building, and the research process are all a creative process – the designers flew around the world and incorporated elements from Germany, Quebec, Italy and so on. Rather than changing my idea of useful art in the age of climate change, the article enhanced my understanding about such topic and provided a good example. I appreciate the thoroughness in its research and design process and the final outcome. It’s beautiful as well as functional.

3) Narrow your three Final Project ideas into one final idea and answer the following on your LP:

1) What is your project idea and why do you want to make it? Describe how this design/object/idea will specifically help YOU (make sure it is designed for you, not someone else, or an anonymous user) be more resilient and navigate environmental change over the next 50 years.

My project idea is to make packaging for beauty products and make AR models. The reason why I want to make it is because over packaging and package waste is a big problem in beauty industry. It specifically helps ME because first, from the interest perspective, I’m into beauty, and technology like AR, 3D models; second, from environmental perspective, using digital technology to reduce use of paper/packaging helps reducing waste being added to landfill, and reduce toxic ink being left to water system or soil that relates to our health.

2) Describe your work plan for the next 2-3 weeks (all project components are due May 2nd).

Finding material – testing – packaging mockup – make AR model

3) How will you source materials?

From Healthy Materials Lab or research other easily recyclable materials

4) How does your project specifically encourage resiliency or use resilient materials?

It is resilient because it reduces the use of toxic ink seen in usual packaging, and makes all the branding elements appear on the screen; tries to be efficient (incorporated in smartphone), as much paperless as possible.

5) How will it be repaired?

It can be repaired and reused as vase. I do flower arrangement as a hobby so it is also a design specifically helps me.

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