Long Life Design Final Project + Lipstick Bag

#1 Your Long Life Design project

#2 Design Brief

What are you making and why?

My project idea is to make packaging for beauty products – a lipstick bag. The reason why I want to make it is because over packaging and package waste is a big problem in beauty industry. It specifically helps ME because first, from the interest perspective, I’m into beauty, and technology like 3D modeling and printing; second, from environmental perspective, using digital technology to reduce use of paper/packaging helps reducing waste being added to landfill, and reduce toxic ink being left to water system or soil that relates to our health.

In what ways will this object/design be useful to you over 50 years of change? How will it be resilient (used in more than one way etc. and/or encourage social resiliency through its usage)?

First, the material is durable and the packaging is designed as a fashion accessory, I would like to keep it for a long time; second, it can be repaired and reused as a vase, doing flower arrangement is one of my hobbies.It is resilient because it reduces the use of toxic ink seen in usual packaging, and makes all the branding elements appear on the screen; tries to be efficient (incorporated in smartphone), as much paperless as possible.

What specific event(s) of environmental change will it help you adapt to or address?

Flooding and evacuation – an active QR code and AR model could incorporate important information when environmental change happens.

What materials will you use, given what you have learned this semester about changing resources and material availability?

Recycled plastic for 3D printing.

How does your object offer function and aesthetics over time? How does it fulfill the Long Life Design criteria?

It’s a fashion accessory, not made with trendy prints, but pure white colored design so the style lasts long. Also when using as a vase, the organic shapes of the arrangement can evolve over time, meaning as a white vase/base it fits any style of flower arrangement. The criteria it fits are repair, cost, function, safety, user, environment, design.

#3 Resiliency and Repair Story

#4 Systems Map

#5 Documentation



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