

Hi there! My name is Bing (or call me Josephine). I’m a Strategic Design & Management major at Parsons. I was born and raised in northeastern China. This is my second year in the US.

Last year, I studied Theatre at Boston College, and took courses such as Acting, Ballet and Costume Design. Other than fashion, I enjoy ballet and theatre a lot. Lady of the Camellias presented by Boston Ballet was really a good one. Piano is another thing I’ve been passionate about, so I’m considering doing a music composition minor. Literature also intrigues me. Curling up in my couch and reading Oscar Wilde cannot be more comfy.

I enjoy most of the art forms – dance, drama, music, painting and so on. An appealing project requires the combination of those forms will be my rule of thumb during my study at Parsons.

Below is my calligraphy work:
