Week 9 & 10 — Running Workshops & User Tests


3 Rounds of User Testing Results

How I Differentiated Testing From The First Round 

  • This round of testing took a more process driven approach, I focused on creating a more structured experience for workshop participants. This round of testing was focused on the incorporation of new beading materials and smaller string attached to a clasp. The goal of this round of testing was to gauge how the refined prompts that I added to my experience would impact the way that people navigate the updated materials.
  • People began with prompts and navigated to tray that contained beading materials alongside the original beads that were available to participants. At the end of each testing session I asked people to document their process.

People Responded Really Well To This Testing

  • Through testing I found that people were extremely open to discussing their prompts and were open to rationalizing the way that they thought about their process of creation. The most insightful thing I found was that groups of male and female participants differentiated in slight ways that were centered around the willingness to discuss vulnerabilities.

The Differences between Male & Female groups

  • One of the interesting insights from this experience was understanding that workshop groups that consisted of mostly male or female participants responded differently.
    • Male participants often came across as less reluctant to discuss their vulnerabilities in addition design thinking and their process. Male participants often utilized less time when creating their bracelets than female participants.
    • I found on the other hand that female participants often utilized more time when creating their bracelets, and valued conversation as a key component of the experience.

Most Successful Part of Testing

  • I found that the most successful part of this project has been the way that people interact with one another during the experience. People often arrive to workshop with exhaustion or feeling a bit of apprehension — these participants often leave the experience with healing and restoration

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