De-constructing a Monument

Artist Statement:

      This piece is called ‘The Seduction’, deprived from the Gianni Versace’s life maxim of Medusa. This sculpture includes the memorial portrait of him and the snake of medusa coming out of portrait which has Versace’s symbolic texture rather than original snake skin. In terms of Medusa which he got inspired of, I thought Versace had made designs that wait for the wearer to challenge themselves and this phenomenon integrate with Gianni’s desire.

There is a famous quote he said in his lifetime, “That is the key of this collection, being yourself. Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.” He wanted everyone to be confident to their conviction and I thought he successfully achieved as a beloved diligent designer whom fascinated people by his confidence of designs. Therefore, I chose to put on aggressive snake coming out of his portrait to raise others’ awareness that you can also make up yourself and express boldly like Gianni Versace.

This piece is made as a trick art of optical illusion by using photoshop and illustrator. Gianni was an active and friendly person that wanted to maintain the succeed as a designer. Therefore, trick are piece will commemorate him including his luxurious and friendly features. And also as real museum of trick arts his fans could take pictures in front of it.


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