What is Shift?

Shifts have been consistent throughout my childhood, I grew up with young and separated parents, so my foundation was always changing. For years I was plopped in to new environments, forced to adapt and find a niche within new schools, new cities, new homes. From grade school to the end of my high school career, my life was constantly evolving. One of the most drastic changes in my life thus far was my decision to live with my father during my sophomore year of high school, as my mother moved across the country to Oregon. Life with my father was an alternative lifestyle that was drastically different, my father was single and his career was centered around design. I had transformed from a suburban girl who had once lived with her kitchy, close minded, mother and her quiet, law enforcement step father to attending an arts magnet school and was now unveiled to a world of opportunities through my father and his inner circle. Through this transformation, my father had the largest impact on my decision to pursue arts in college, here at Parsons.

Although, the continuous shifts in my life had caused stress on my relationships with both of my parents, I recognized that every move since was made to benefit my life to prepare me for my future.

The design world is always changing, so my relationship with shift impacts the way that I view the design process. In any design field, designers and artists look to the past to learn, but the best designers take the past and attach a new aspect, their own artistic style. So with my personal experience with shift, I am able to couple it with innovation and artistic technique here at Parsons.

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