I Remember

Post a selection of your I Remember lists from class. (You can copy/paste all or choose only the best — it’s up to you!)

I remember packed lunches made by mother.

I remember stray wood chips in my shoes after recess.

I remember loud lunches in the green room with my friends.

I remember walking up and down the green room for a cup of lemon water.

I remember desert roads.

I remember playing sports.

I remember the moment I held my little sister after volleyball practice.

I remember my first plane ride, my father took a photo of me pretending to barf in a bag.

I remember my first snow man in Texas. He had a bowler hat.

I remember the first pool day of the summer.

I remember my mother waking me up for school and I stayed bundled in a cover on my bed, unable to move. I was too sleepy.

I remember orange juice and cereal.

I remember four christmases every year. Separated parents.

I remember watching Fantastic Mr. Fox on an iPod touch.

I remember being bored at art museums with my dad.

I remember ice breakers on the first days of school.

I remember my first kiss.

I remember Easter egg hunts in Galveston with Cesaly.

I remember eating snow cones in the summer with my Nana.

I remember a picnic with Adriana and Maya at the Arboretum. The ants attacked the pizza.

I remember my first time in a play.

I remember craving cookies at midnight with Bella.

I remember long nights at the costume shop with Taylor Swift.


I remember moving to Sierra Blanca. Population 600. A bowl of dust.

I remember the Chevron, where you would bump into the entire population of Sierra Blanca.

I remember East Lake High School’s auditorium, we had theatre class there and no longer in the black box.

I remember Richardson High School’s G-hall.

I remember my Tia Lucy’s house, Angie’s purple room and sleeping on a mattress.

I remember bubble gum pink walls in Cesaly’s room.

I remember the green room.

I remember the costume shop.

I remember the basement stock room.

I remember the black box, cluster meetings.

I remember North Park Mall.

I remember the Getty museum.

I remember the high line at sunset.

I remember marble slab with my mother.

I remember 729 Green Cove Lane.


I remember hovering magnets over the floor too pick up pins at the end of the day.

I remember not walking barefoot.

I remember the floor sink.

I remember name tags.

I remember the serger machine.

I remember “babies!”.

I remember to do lists on the white board.

I remember boxes of ribbons.

I remember 5/8 seam allowance.

I remember laugh attacks with Bella.

I remember the cast of Oklahoma.

I remember approving the decisions suggested by the crew.

I remember fittings.

I remember thumbnails.

I remember packets of laminated research in 1906.

I remember color theory tests every six weeks on the work tables.

I remember hiding in the fitting rooms to avoid work.

I remember constructing a traditional Japanese kimono.

I remember the Happy Working Song.

I remember meetings with the director, Joel.

I remember ordering lunch in the middle of a full day.

I remember backstitching.

I remember basting stitches.

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