Drawing & Imaging: Project 1






The purpose of project 1 was to discover the importance of composition through an object that describes your personality, composition creates purpose and a focal point for the audience. My decision to create a diagonal on the right side of the page and focus on the cuffs of the denim jacket not only made the object more abstract, but also served as a representation of the meaning of my relationship with my father. The negative space drawing amplified the importance of a strong focal point in the drawing. I feel like my artistic choices reflect my relationship with my father and with my use of gradient shows the age and texture of the jacket. I could’ve chose to focus on another part of the jacket or drew the entire jacket, but the cuffs have character and have the ability to be adjusted by me or my father, my decision to place the jacket on the right is a continuation of the diagonal that goes through the paper. I found this project to be extremely helpful for future projects, the placement and angle can carry weight and meaning in the overall piece.

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