The Game: Parsons!


Create a board game based on your group’s shared experiences and shifts on the path to Parsons. This board game should include aspects from the previous project, where my group and I created a treasure map based on our personal paths to Parsons. The first week of the process was dedicated to creating a prototype that will be played by our peers, with this we were able to gain feedback on how to strengthen the board game. The second week, we were to construct a board game for our final products: game pieces, cards, game board that fit into a box all of which follow our aesthetic.


Together as a group, we decided to use our treasure map and transfer the theme of our map to our board game. Each of us contributed personal experiences for the deck of cards that depict where the player moves on the spaces. In all of our paths we had experienced many of the same events prior to coming here. I pushed for the game to be inspired by the rules of the board game, Sorry!, with our own aesthetic and a manipulation of the game’s rules. My group, Yubin, Alexie, Jo and I worked together to complete Parsons!, a board game that is aquatic themed. As a group, we made artistic choices for the box and deciding on color schemes. Alexie and I worked on the game pieces that the player identifies with and laid out the the rules for the player to follow.


Treasure Map




Playing the prototype


Card design



As a group, we should have printed the playing deck of cards on a card stock to polish our aesthetic and quality of the board game for the benefit of the user’s experience. The board game would have flowed more consistently with easier and more in depth directions and it is known that the character pieces should represent each member of the group based on their life’s experiences,


This group project pushed me to collaborate and reflect on my personal experiences with my group. Each of us applied personal facts to show the unity of our team here at Parsons. Throughout this entire process, each member was able to contribute their own ideas as well as compromised to create a cohesive game board. Many times, I found myself only thinking about the appearance, but I had to stop and rethink about the functional aspect of the Parsons!.

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