Assignment #15: TED Talks

I found William McDonough’s speech informative about the importance for design to be created with the establishment of a human’s intention, how design can be created to benefit all aspects of the living world. He expresses the importance of design to accomplish, clean air, water, soil and world peace. His inclusion of the bill of rights in ecological design is unique and depicts his push for design to be completely necessary and non-wasteful.

Alex Steffen discusses the exploration of creating a path that will create a sustainable world, he states there is both the unknown and the unimaginable. He covers cities with a balance of density and respect to nature, Portland, Vancouver are two cities that have higher populations but use the city’s developments to their advantage, in a progressive city, people “use less stuff”, the stuff they do use benefit nature and are not a waste of space. In the developing cities, called Megacities, where there is a lack of awareness. With knowledge in what is happening in developing worlds, together we can create green cities.

Prior to this speech, I never thought kombucha had the potential of growing into a malleable fabric. I found this process really odd and intriguing, the formation of seams was really interesting and the potentials of pushing this idea into creating products for everyday use such as a lamp, a car, a house, is exciting. Lee’s revolutionary idea can make a huge impact to the textile and fabrication industry.

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