Assignment #15B: Design Thinking, Sustainability and Perspective

Tim Brown, the CEO of IDEO, dissects the meaning of “design thinking”, he expresses the importance of “integrative thinking”, this will lead to a product that is desirable, feasible and sustainability for the customer. All steps of the thinking process makes good design. Brown states, “Focus on the people, building to think, prototype fast, start movement, enable participation, cultivate collaboration in organization, and ask the right questions.”, this is an overall summary of the process. As both an aspiring designer and a consumer, I feel that sustainability should be the biggest priority, most people don’t think about the life cycle of the product, how did your product begin and what will happen to the product when you’re done with it. Waste is causing harm to our planet, causing global warming, harming both plants, animals and humans. Successful design doesn’t exist without a progressive purpose. He also discusses design in a team aspect, which is what our last project of the course is, I am excited to create something with a multi-perspective and I look forward to creating something bold and outside of my comfort zone.


Janine Baynus passionately explores how sustainable design has pulled conventional aspects of natural life to create an effiecient product. This topic is very interesting, nature has so much power in the world, not only should we. as humans, recognize the importance of preserving nature, but in the process of doing so we can turn to nature and learn and depict properties of a creature to improve our products. I find this speech very powerful and Baynus’ beliefs that the most beautiful things in life are not man made.


I find the many perspectives of this one topic very intriguing. Design’s power is important to an engineer, an architect and just people of the world. This video overall seems very proactive, the description of the water filter straw is very moving, this depicts the importance of design that betters peoples’ lives, both in the western world and the developing countries. The designers tell the process of their revolutionary irrigation system, they explain the trial and errors, the importance of research  within the user’s life and prototypes.

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