Assignment #2 Video Reflection

In the first video, Lovegrove, product designer, advocates the importance of “fat-free” design, products that are less frill and the bare minimum to function for human use. He centered his design around chemical reactions in nature and believes that the future of design is the use of polymers and the science that happens in organic reactions. Antonelli, design curator at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, covers the many ways design may impact people all over the world. Antonelli and Lovegrove both advocate for the creation of functional products and express that most view design as an extravagant, when really good design can be simple things that reflect human behavior. Rawsthorn examines her appreciation for design mavericks that have impacted modern designers and products, Florence Nightingale’s methods of safe and sanitary hospital design is still in use today. She also expresses her appreciation of rebellion to create something for the benefit of the people.


All three speakers translate their respect for design and explain that design can be frivolous, but can also be functional, design communicates with current events and responds with products that make lives easier.

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