• Posted on: May 16, 2015
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Scientists predict by 2050 that New York City will see an increase in average precipitation by 5 or 10 percent. (Currently, there is an average of about 46 inches a year.) But perhaps more worrying is the anticipated increase in the more than two-inch rain storms that occur in 48 hours. Those heavy rain storms, which happen about three times a year now, could hit the New York area four or five times a year.



Ecological theorist Timothy Morton:

“When you feel raindrops, you are experiencing climate, in some sense. In particular you are experiencing the climate change known as global warming. But you are never directly experiencing global warming as such. Nowhere in the long list of catastrophic weather events—which will increase as global warming takes off— will you find global warming. But global warming is as real as this sentence. Not only that, it’s viscous. It never stops sticking to you, no matter where you move on Earth. How can we account for this? By arguing that global warming, like all hyperobjects, is nonlocal: it’s massively distributed in time and space. What does this mean? It means that my experience of the weather in the hic et nunc [here and now] is a false immediacy. It’s never the case that those raindrops only fall on my head! They are always a manifestation of global warming! In the age of ecological emergency— an age in which hyperobjects start to oppress us with terrifying strangeness— we will have to acclimate ourselves to the fact that locality is always a false immediacy.” Timothy Morton, Hyperobjects, P.48


Strange Weather Exhibition at the Science Gallery, Dublin.

 Karolina Sobecka‘s work:

Clouds, from both Sides

Thinking like a Cloud

Cloud Tasting Menu



National Weather Service twitter account:  https://twitter.com/NWS




Long Island Weather Observer Sets U.S. Record With 84-Year Streak

“Weather People” http://nyti.ms/ZfIzPw

Cloud Appreciation Society

Cloudscapes Postage Stamps

Unfriendly Skies, C-LAB


 SkyWarn Spotter (download how-to guide)

Jamie Kruse is an artist, designer and part-time faculty at Parsons School for Design. In 2005 she co-founded smudge, (smudgestudio.org) with Elizabeth Ellsworth, based in Brooklyn, NY. She is the author of Friends of the Pleistocene: fopnews.wordpress.com.

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