Integrative Studio 1: Illuminated Manuscript

gouache on 18×24″ paper

This illuminated manuscript focuses on a story my mentor, Lea-Anne Jasper, had told me. The story came from a time in which she was the same age as me– around late adolescence, when she was about 17 or 18 years old. On the right third of the page, the story is displayed in handwritten text, and imagery from the story to accompany are illustrated on the first two thirds of the page. Surrounding the four circles are state fruits, flowers, and animals from Texas, the setting in which the story takes place.

One thought on “Integrative Studio 1: Illuminated Manuscript

  1. Bridget,
    Well done text page! …and glad you pursued specific backgrounds of heraldic symbols. Using the grid structure may have stimulated more invention, but you will come across that as your studies continue.

    Grade: B+

    Thank you,
    Professor Rachel Youens

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