MoMA: The Value of Good Design


In the exhibition “Value of Good Design,” it contained many revolutionary designs for simple items. I exhibited everyday objects like chairs, radios, cars, etc. These everyday objects were transformed into art. The designers took art and created it into a piece of art or took the basis of these objects into a more practical way or a new way. Although most of these things could not be incorporated into my tool kit I had to look at these objects in a different way. The two designs I included a picture of were more of an inspiration to my tool kit then something I could add to it. For my toolkit, I will be creating a sort of first aid kit for mental health. This kit includes brochures, posters and a how-to guide that will help people who struggle with mental health and for people who can help people who are struggling. After walking around the exhibition multiple times I decided to look more at the posters and books and brochures. Most of these printed objects were either about design or the technical design of the other objects like chairs, tables, and shelving.  The technical design was one object that I thought actually could really work with my tool kit project. These were almost like a how-to on how to build an object and since one of my tools for my kit is a how-to guide for improving mental health it would fit well with my toolkit.


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