Int. Seminar 2: Bridge 4

Hana Lanzkowsky

April 7, 2019

Bridge 4


Interview Transcript:


Hana: Hi How are you?

Ashley: Good thanks for interviewing me!

Hana: So, What is your name, where do you go to school and what is your major?

Ashley: I’m ashley yom I go to TCNJ and major in education and art.

Hana: My topic is about colleges

Hana: How many suicides have taken place at your school since you began college?

Ashley: I think 2… but they dont always tell us I usually have to figure out by myself.

Hana: how have they impacted you?

Ashley: Obviously it’s sad and sucks but It happens and I hope it stops but its just something that happens.

Hana: How did you find out about the deaths?

Ashley: They email us and say someone died but never say how.

Hana: How has your school responded to these deaths?

Ashley: The school arranges vigils for everyone who dies.

Hana: Do you think it was appropriate?

Ashley: Yes they try to honor the kids and a lot students participate

Hana: Did you participate in the vigils?

Ashley : no

Hana: Why?

Ashley: I didn’t know anyone personally so I didn’t feel like I belonged.

Hana: Do you think the climate of school changes after this tragedy happen? How?

Ashley: I don’t think it changes. Maybe because I am not paying attention but I have only notice it affect the people who know the person directly but I haven’t notice it affect the school as a whole.

Hana: Do you think it could have been prevented?

Ashley: I guess it depends on the person.

Hana: Do you think the school could’ve helped?

Ashley: By providing therapy because i know it makes a difference.

Hana: Does the university do anything to help besides that for suicide prevention?

Ashley: No they don’t just when someone dies they ask if students need help but after that its not really spoken of again.

Hana: Okay that’s all thanks for speaking with me!




When I first heard about having to do an interview I was kind of nervous about it. I had done interviews for research papers before so I knew the basics of how to conduct an interview. One thing I was worried about is that I didn’t know who I would interview. I wanted the person I interview to be someone I was comfortable with and who I knew would be comfortable talking about the tough subject I am researching, suicide. I have three friends who go to The College of New Jersey and I have heard their experience with suicide on campus over the past year. At their college they had two suicides, that they knew about, on their campus and even one in their dorm building. Since I was close with these people and knew they would be fine with talking about this subject and has first hand experience, I knew I wanted to interview one of them for my project because they had first hand experience with suicide on college campus which is a part of my research. Ashley Yom was the one I interviewed and it really showed the reality to college suicide and how it affects the students and what college actually do about it. Although it made me nervous to do the interview it proved to be very helpful and vital to my research. When preparing for the interview I had made a list of questions but when I was conducting the interview questions came so easy. Interviews are ways to ask more questions and get real life insight to my research topic.

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