Bridge Moment 2

Bridge Moment: LS Studio and Seminar : Avatar

Naeun Lee

In Studio and Seminar, we explored the concept of peer-to-peer interactin by doing activities that we can practically interect with each other. In Sutdio, we did Trust activity by visiting Central Park with instructor. The motto of the activity was “Learn while playing”. Trust activity refers an activity documenting and guiding a blindfolded person relying on people’s trust. We were able to obeserve each other’s reaction to shared trust. In our group, someone trusted a guide entirely and showed audacity of experiencing whatever the guide tells. And there were some poeple who were not able to fully rely on guide’s direction while being afraid to walk forward. In Seminar, we did various peer interviews and explored each other’s activity. Students participated opelny and actively. Therefore, it became a change to explore other’s identity. By interviewing each other we learnt to know better about the people we did not know well before or barely even talk to. Both classes showed common by providing students the chances to interect with each other. Through these activities, I was able to learn more ways to explore individual’s avatar. And how to attach myself to the adventure of learning about someone. I also learnt that many different identities can exist in the world. Even though sutdents share common as “Parsons student” which could make a lot of common experinces and interests, there really were people who are perfectly opposite to me. They were not just some people who I consider quite different from myself, but possess far different characteristics that I have never found  nor expected in my life before the classes.  Interecting with different people was very exciting. Because of differenceds, I learnt to understand each other much better in open communication. I want to learn more about how can I get to know myself better in the future. Because knowing myself can  be a great value in artistic inspirations.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren · October 17, 2016 Reply

    Hi Kit – nice writing here! I appreciated the following sentence very much: “And how to attach myself to the adventure of learning about someone.” You’re right; it is quite the adventure to learn about someone else, as well as ourselves. I appreciated the connections you made between studio and seminar.

    In these posts, please be sure to pay close attention to grammar and spelling. Once you write your post, proofread it to ensure that you’ve corrected as many typos as possible before posting.

    Good job,

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