I AM Final

This is Final I AM 



This is the final I am I made. I made a mermaid. The name of the mermaid is ” I am Eternity, I am transcendent”

The name of the mermaid is eternity and she is transcendent.


The sketch and some patterns are revised.

There are few changes I made. I changed my mermaid from Chic, Bold, Black and White, to more romantic and classic one. It is because I experienced huge shift in my aesthetic preference in Soft Structure class.

  1. I changed the hair of the mermaid. I want to add more romantic mood so I attached pink sequence on its head to be the hair rather than short dark hair.
  2.  I changed the bra of the mermaid. It was inspired by Yves Saint Laurent’s dress which exhibits a quality like a sculpture. I first thought that I would make a bra with volume. But I changed it to make a bra which seems like a decoration and actually is a part of a decoration. Therefore, I hand stitched a belt(which is not a fabric) on its breast without any volume so that it will look like a very slender mermaid. I did not want to stick to the stereotype of female mermaids having voluminous body shape. I just draped it then stitched it. That was my plan and thats what I decided to do.
  3. I revised the pattern of the bottom part of the mermaid to be shorter because that looked more aesthetically pleasing to my eyes.
  4. While drawing the sketch of the mermaid, I perfectly forgot the fact I really hate the eyes of a doll. It is very horrible but I forgot that because I was drawing a sketch since I perceived my mermaid as a human. When I tried to stitch two buttons on the spot of her eyes I nearly fainted because they were really scary to me. Therefore, I removed the eyes and then it became a more peaceful face to me.


By doing this project, I could think more about myself. It is important to have clear dislikes and likes as a fashion designer. I always try to think about myself in my spare time. Even though I spend my time thinking about myself my preference is influenced by the culture I live in. I think I used to like what is cool in my culture. Black, white, leather, heroine chic, erotic and stimulating images, hard electronic, light comedy movies, reality tv shows, and hiphop. These are the things that I used to like. I still think they are beautiful. However, being beautiful does not refer the content which can fill my deepest self. They are the things that I love and which I can be devoted to, but not me. I was born and raised in nature. I lived right in front of a mountain. I loved four seasons. I tasted all the colors from nature. I know how it feels to embrace summer storm in bare arms. I know how rain touches me. I know how wind passes my eyelashes. I do not want to change the external form of woman. The concepts in trend are very lovely but they are not me. I want to transform the identity of woman. I do not think it is boring to have a conventionally feminine mood of a female anymore. What only matters is their identity as a woman. While contemplating about the feature of the mermaid, I  found what I want to do as a designer brand in the future. I want to resist against a current social stereotype of a woman and open a new page of a real woman. I think it is now a time for them to break a image of a woman and be who they really are. The identity of the mermaid is not how it looks like. It was the empowering words inside it. This inspired me to think of the random but important philosophy in my aesthetic. I really hope that I could achieve the essence of the mermaid someday.


In technical perspective, I learned how to choose right fabric for a subject. At first, I thought some fabrics were really beautiful. Nevertheless, they did not come out well so I had to change some of them.



: I made the notches. But I think I used the wrong pen. I used a red pen since my chalk markers did not work on some of my fabric and it made me to paint all of my hands. They showed up really well at first but they faded when they were dry. However, if I look carefully it is still there. I think I have to use thicker chalk next time. Then it will work(as I tried afterwards).

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