Gender Role in Fashion Advertisement: Alexander Wang x Denim

Image Source

Klein, Steve. Denim X Alexander Wang, 2014, Huffington Post, Accessed September 29 2017,


Susan.B. Kaiser said in Fashion and Cultural Studies “The concept seeks to understand how certain ways of knowing the world dominate and preserve”[1] while explaining the concept of “hegemony”[2]. [3] Many societies often pose its members gender “hegemony”[4].[5] In modern fashion industry, a gender “hegemony”[6] exists. Traditionally, “hegemony”[7] of women’s gender role possessed duality.  Women were to be portrayed as a seductive, sensual and a dangerous charmer. Beautiful spy, inspiring prostitutes, Lolita, and a married woman in an uncontrollable love affair are the characters of the concept.   Denim X Alexander Wang’s advertisement photographed by Steven Klein incorporates gender “hegemony”[8].[9] Classical perception of gender “hegemony” [10] encourages women to be considered as a sexual subject.[11] The advertisement portrays a woman in a process of masturbation arouses viewers with extreme eroticism by using a woman as a sexual subject.  The figure of a women catches attention immediately due to a dark setting. It functions as a tool to make the woman like a showcase for selling a product as if she is a mannequin. The description of her personality behind the sexual scene is completely hidden. She can be anyone of anywhere. The advertisement does not expect viewers to imagine what they cannot see. Instead, the viewers are made to directly perceive the appeal of a woman as a s sexual subject exhibiting a product.



[1]. Susan. B. Kaiser, Fashion and Cultural Studies, (New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2012), Chapter 2.

[2]. Ibid.

[3]. Ibid.

[4]. Ibid.

[5]. Ibid.

[6]. Ibid.

[7]. Ibid.

[8]. Ibid.

[9]. Ibid.

[10]. Ibid.

[11]. Ibid.





Kaiser, Susan. B. Fashion and Cultural Studies. New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2012. Chapter 2.



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