Tower Project

This is a bit late post because I did not realized that wifi connection went off while uploading it. The first upload was failed. 

This is how my tower went on. I made many mistakes.

First, I made too tight seam allowance.

Second, I made the wings of the tower into 5. I must have been 4.

Third, the tower was too extreme to be sewn. Therefore, the final tower was a failure.

However I learned with terrible mistakes. It was my first try of making 3D object from a precise pattern. I am not good at sewing right now but I will try hard because I started liking it for the first time. I cannot wait to make real clothes that I can wear. 

( I stole the picture of myself from my friend’s social media. Well, I do not care since it was secretly taken lol no permission)


1 Comment

  1. Kirk · February 26, 2017 Reply

    good job. % sides are Ok. it is allowed. please add a picture of inside and close up of seam when you can.

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