Bridge Moments

Integrative Studio: Avatar

Studio and Seminar is directly related with the topic “Avatar”. Even though the word avatar har many different meanings, both classes mainly refered the word as ‘a representation of identity’. Avatar can be explaine as ‘character’ while exploring memory in various concepts. Personal memories have been a huge part of exploration. In order to explore memory, students had to bring out documented memories. Therefore, dealing with memories mostly started with listing memories in one’s mind. Memories staying vaguely inside of one’s consiousness can be refined as percievable memory that can be organized and designed.

Studio approaches memory in more tangible concept. We had to design memory in physical space. In other words, Studio class was all about artistic expression of memory. We did transforming our memory into physical subject. Because the theme of the subject was ‘personal memory’ it gave me a chance to be fully asobred into my own world.  In Seminar, we focused on expression of memory within words. People had to write and read cocepts of memory.  We had to go in to the broader concept of memory compared to Studio. Seminar was not only about one’s perspective toward memory but how we approach to memory reside in our consiousness. We created memory by adapting one’s experience in random objects and analyzed elements of memory by location, character, object and emotion. I learnt how to connect and transform my memory in creation of artwork and how I can mangae and design memory in Seminar. What I want to learn further  is how people change their perspective while recalling memories.

Regardless that I have no clue about why this happens but I happen to change perspective while recalling memories. Obviously as same as others, I firstly percive events in first person perspective. On the other hand, I eventually ending up with change it into a form of 3rd person perspective video. Why this happens? The question always lingered on my mind.

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