Bridge 3 Newsprint

First walking into Brighton Beach, all our group members were unsure of where to start. Naturally, we each began to do research by walking around and getting a sense of the neighborhood. It was helpful to explore Brighton Beach as a group since, it was less intimidating to walk in the lesser populated parts of the neighborhood or begin talking to the community members. My group members also helped me to think of what questions to ask on the spot to the residents of Brighton Beach.

The newsprint involved both an extensive amount of group work and independent work. It was important for us to get things done by certain dates since, our independent research effected the outcomes of others works. Being that I was in charge of Ads, it was interesting in creating new ads that would work with existing ads from Brighton Beach. I gained more experience with Photoshop as I kept practicing with all the tools. It was also helpful to have other group members to give me feedback on what was working with the ads and what wasn’t. Overall, it was a great experience in learning to communicate with others and becoming more independent despite, it being a group project.

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