Identity Zine: Shoes

Final Zine


Collaborative Zine


This zine saw many drastic changes from the draft to the final product. In the first draft I just had a repetition of the shoes that I wore to best describe myself through style. After hearing back from my peers, I too felt that the zine wasn’t as personal to me or speaking truth to my identity. There wasn’t a lot of information to read on the zine. At first I thought of putting the time and date to perhaps add more information but, I still felt that wasn’t personal enough for me to truly say it is an identity zine.  That is why I began to think of little things that I relate to or speak to my identity with each photo of the shoes I am wearing. I also did a range of bright colors to give the shoes a more cohesive look and show the different aspects of my personality. In the end I was satisfied with how zine changed into something that I and others could relate too. When getting feedback from peers, they agreed that it had improved as they could sense more of personality in the zine.

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