Fabric and Thread






For my project, I decided to study the subway and the ways that people interact and connect. I found through research that people actually avoid human interaction as much as possible by using their technology to escape. I wanted to show that despite all that there is still a lingering idea of a community within this place by connecting the subway map into my design. I used 4 separated black canvas boards and painted the subway lines onto them. My embroidered piece is sewn onto the canvas boards that are all part of one design despite all the varying abstract designs. For the designs itself I got inspiration from things I saw on the subway such as designs that people were wearing or just patterns I saw on the subway itself. For the choice of color I used inspirations from the actual subway map lines. I found that through this project I was really able to see and understand on how I develop on an idea through my work process. The end result was very different from what I planned at the start but, I am content with what it had developed into.

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