The setting of our narrative takes place in a zombie apocalypse. We follow our protagonist Tina on her journey to safety. On her way we witness her utilizes four distinct tools and tool box such as the Pant Protector, Shoebrella, Nope Box, and the Toe Stubber Stopper.
We created the tool box itself out of cardboard, duct tape, and spray paint, we added latches with plumbing tape.
I was in charge of taking photos editing photos, adding filters to photos my team mates added, and creating the movie.
The biggest challenge was telling people what to do. Because I was in charge of the film aspect, I naturally became in charge of telling my group mates to re edit. I had to tell them how to edit as well. But teaching someone over facebook messenger has it’s difficulties. Thankfully I didn’t have to give much advice, but I did have to ask them to change many aspects of their edits. I didi reedit a couple as well.
I did the film and that was fun todo, it was an interesting way to tell the story. I do wish I had gotten multiple shots of tina’s feet so it really looked like she was moving.