Bridge Project 3

The setting of our narrative takes place in a zombie apocalypse. We follow our protagonist Tina on her journey to safety. On her way we witness her utilizes four distinct tools  and tool box such as the Pant Protector, Shoebrella, Nope Box, and the Toe Stubber Stopper.

We created the tool box itself out of cardboard, duct tape, and spray paint, we added latches with plumbing tape.

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I was in charge of taking photos editing photos, adding filters to photos my team mates added, and creating the movie.

The biggest challenge was telling people what to do. Because I was in charge of the film aspect, I naturally became in charge of telling my group mates to re edit. I had to tell them how to edit as well. But teaching someone over facebook messenger has it’s difficulties. Thankfully I didn’t have to give much advice, but I did have to ask them to change many aspects of their edits. I didi reedit a couple as well.

I did the film and that was fun todo, it was an interesting way to tell the story. I do wish I had gotten multiple shots of tina’s feet so it really looked like she was moving.


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Bridge project 1

We go through events in our lives that can linger in our minds, things that just circle in our minds. Things that are irritating or distracting. Events that prevent us from going about our work or daily routine. The tool I made is addressing is that lingering thought.


Lingering thoughts can be a problem because it can prevent us from going about our day. It can be little things not being able to get groceries, to not forgetting to wash the dishes, to bigger things like–not being able to do work. Unresolved lingering thoughts can be distractions in our daily life that’s unwanted. Frankly it is a waste of time and energy to just let it linger in our minds.

My tool can’t guarantee to fix someone’s brain to compartmentalize. However, my tool is designed to help deal with those thoughts. It is a black box with a lid, with a drawer inside of it, it says NOPE on the drawer, it can be opened when pushed to the left. To use the box, the user is suppose to take a piece of paper and mark-make what’s occupying their minds, for at least five minutes. Mark-make because it doesn’t matter if the piece of paper is filled with writing or painting or drawing or a combination thereof. The point of the exercise is to create a physical form of something psychological. The user will then crumple up the piece of paper, open the lid of the box, open the drawer, place the paper inside, close the drawer, and lose the lid. This process can help the user figure out what’s really making them angry or sad through the visualization process, and to take their mind off of it through the physical process of putting, literally putting, it away.





During the crit, I was asked to put an opening so the user could empty the box. Also to include paper and pen. But I’m not quite sure how I’m going to add a structure at the end. We will see what happens.