Int. Studio 2: Bridge Project 2 Chronologies

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This piece represents my habits of not being able to throw things away. I believe everything has a meaning on its own and so it could potentially build up to keeping things that are unnecessary to have. I glued all the pieces together onto a piece of cardboard and set them up. As a girl, I collected tags, receipts, envelopes, and old scraps in a box.

Most of the pieces on this are found on my desk. They are things I didn’t want to discard but yet has no use.

Step 1: I cut a piece of cardboard out from a shoebox and measured it if it was straight and aligned.


Step 2: I collected pieces from around the room.

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Step 3: I put in on the cardboard piece and arranged it properly, making sure the envelope was opened so I could put receipts and scraps pieces of paper in it.


Step 4: I glued the envelope down using a paintbrush. This process needed to be repeated a couple of times in order for it to stay. I then proceed on gluing the rest of the pieces down.

Step 5: Wait until all the glue is dry.


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