This self portrait is a compilation of the future and the past. I have overlapped two images of me and edited one as if it was from the future (Future Composite project) and the other image was taken as part of a themed photoshoot to represent the past. The background of one of the images represents technology, while the other, represents nature. I wanted to combine the past and the future together to show how much our world has changed, and is still is. The faded affect symbolizes the unstable/ unfixed reality because nothing is definite and through time, things will change.
Work in Progress animation:
Because the timeline on Photoshop was causing the paint to glitch, I took this and imported into premiere. Although, I couldn’t get the same effect of the paint dripping, I created two similar effect (one formatted on photoshop video timeline using the liquify tool and one without).
Without liquify tool processed on Premiere:
With liquify tool processed on Premiere: