Supplemental Meals
This invention serves a purpose of substituting a meal. It is a pill that has all the nutrients of the food, so instead of eating, you can take this pill. I think this is a very good idea, especially for refugees, military, campers, and astronauts, where it is harder to find fresh food. In space, astronauts can only take dehydrated food up in the rockets to prevent it from rotting. The food they have serves blatantly just for their survival and not the enjoyment of eating, so this pill will help keep the astronauts healthy, as well as keep their nutrients up to check. Even for campers, instead of hunting (which kills), they can carry these pills around and eat them while they go on adventurous hikes. It will not only burden the weight of the person’s bag, but will also give them a boost of energy when they take it.
Although I really like this idea, I feel like only specific people is allowed to have access to this pill. I don’t think that it is something the general public should have an unlimited amount of supply of because some people could overtake it and could possibly result badly.